Mercedes Benz Digital Projects


Mercedes-Benz WeChat Social Media Platform

Breaking sales barriers through social media

Mercedes wanted a wanted a way to connect to customers in China through the social media platform, WeChat. The design was to make a simple instant quote system, based on a few simple variables - income, overhead, downpayment - this would allow the user to see options and vehicles available within the affordable range. If a customer reached a certain standard with finances, a loan approval process could be verified and approves within 3 hours.

Mercedes-Benz Apple Watch - Dealer Approval App

Democratize access by Creating confidence through a wearable touchpoint.

When the customer submits sensitive information to Mercedes-Benz using the WeChat Auto loan channel, I wanted to make the customer feel more at ease that he/she did not just launch personal information in a great digital void - or have any doubt that the WeChat channel was fraudulent. 

Allowing the customer to be a part of the loan application process through this touchpoint, lets the customer have direct access to contact  details, application process updates when he/she chooses, maps to the nearest dealerships, and the individualized QR code that contains  all of the application data. This allows the dealer, processing the app, to update the status, send direct messages, and scan the QR code to access the application information when the customer arrives that the dealership.

This also allows the customer to get used to the wearable app for future digital communication touch-points that will interact with the car features, lifestyle engagements, and products.



Mercedes-Benz Apple Watch - Dealer Approval App

Efficiency at a glance

As part of the dealer quote system that was created for Mercedes to communicate between dealership sales teams, I designed an interface for a sales manager to approve or reject quotes without having to access the full POS Dealer Quote System, as well as have quick access to the sales staff information that compile received quotes. 

Mercedes asked that I design multiple digital watch faces for a sense of variety that could be available to the dealership staff users to entice the use of the app.

Financial Services Corporate Design Guidelines

My projects in digital with Mercedes lead me to being assigned the development of the corporate design guides for the Financial Services division for Asia-Pacific. This ended up becoming a 90-page document outlining website guidelines to logo, typography, color, and the usage of all print and digital applications.